Monday, January 25, 2010

Fallen tree limb

***Updated 1/27/10 to add picture at end***

We weathered the rain storms pretty well last week. John and I both love the rain. Nala's not so crazy about it, but she does ok. If she feels raindrops when she pokes her head out of the doggy door, she reverses right back into the house. We have to go out with her so that she'll go potty or she'll just hold it all day.

We didn't have a leaky roof or flooding, but the winds early in the week tore a big limb off of our backyard tree. We were VERY lucky that it fell perfectly so that it didn't hit anything (including Nala!). The limb broke off and spun 180 degrees before landing on the grass. John got to get out his power tools and cut it up this weekend. We're definitely going to get the tree professionally trimmed this Spring!

Surveying the damage

All of the wet weather (and tree limbs falling) is worth it when you get see beautiful rainbows as the skies clear.

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