How in the
heck are you already a half a year old?????
We are truly amazed by you every day.
You bring so much love and laughter into our lives. Don’t get me wrong, you also bring a whole
lot of work and sometimes frustration, but the good outweighs the bad a million
definitely made some developmental gains this month. You’ve started rolling onto your tummy all
the time! However, you’ve forgetten how
to roll back the other way and you get really irritated when you’re on your
tummy for long. Mommy and Daddy are
constantly having to “rescue” you and then you just roll back over onto your
tummy again since it’s so fun. You move
all over your crib. You started grabbing
your feet during diaper changes at the beginning of the month. You’re very interested in Nala and watch her
every move. You’ve started “spitting”
and blowing raspberries. We are getting
sprayed all the time. You are quite the
burper. It amazes us sometimes how big
some of your burps are. It makes Mommy
and Daddy laugh and laugh when you let out a good one!
Two big
things happened this month in your world.
You started eating baby food and Mommy went back to work. Once we tried rice cereal with you we moved
to oatmeal and you love it! Once that
was going well we started introducing some fruits and vegetables. Your first food was sweet potatoes and you
were in heaven!! You aren’t a big fan of
pears and avocado made you gag. You love
to eat! If we’re not shoveling it in fast
enough you grunt loudly and bang your hands on the high chair. We’ve had to start giving you a little juice
mixed with water during the day due to constipation but it’s not big deal. We switched from feeding you 6 oz. bottles to
5 oz. You are much more comfortable with
that amount and don’t fight us so much anymore.
You just aren’t one of those kids who can take big bottles. You’re on the very low end of the range for
total ounces in a day but you’re growing steadily so we’re not too worried
about it.
The second
big thing this past month was Mommy going back to work. She works 4 days a week so that means you go to
“daycare” now. Lucky for us, your Mimi
and Lolo are your daycare providers so you get to spend 2 days a week with each
of them. Mommy has to get up SUPER early
in the morning to get ready and then get you ready to go, but everything seems
to be working out. Your grandparents are
really good about texting us photos and updates so we know how you’re doing.
We finally
switched you to 6-9 month clothes. We
probably waited too long because we realized they really aren’t too much bigger
than 3-6. Your pants are longer now
though. Mommy started to feel
claustrophobic with all the baby gear in the living room so we took the coffee
table out to the garage for the next few months. It’s a lot more open in there
now and there’s plenty of space for you to move around.
We can’t wait
to see what the next month brings little one!
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