Saturday, June 2, 2012

June 2nd – 9 months old!!

Dear Landen,

You are 9 months old!  That’s ¾ of a year!!  This past month has been all about mobility.  You’ve learned how to army crawl and my goodness, you’re everywhere!  If we’re in a bedroom and Mommy’s leaves to go to the kitchen you follow her.  And now that you’re mobile, you love to follow your dog all around the house.  It’s like you’re stalking her.  You love to grab her tail and often crack up laughing when you see her.  Poor dog can never get a moment’s rest.  Daddy has been busy babyproofing the house so you don’t get into anything dangerous.  We have installed cabinet locks, electrical plug covers, fireplace padding, and a toilet lock.  We’re going to wait and see what mischief you get into to see if we need anything else.  That fireplace padding will certainly come in handy because you always make your way over there (although you’re not supposed to) and often bonk your head.  You got your first head bump doing this.  You also love the off limits cords behind the family room table and Nala’s toy basket.  Luckily Mommy has taken care of the cords and Nala doesn’t mind sharing.  You mastered the army crawl at the beginning of the month and have just started regular crawling now at the end.  You prefer the army crawl though because you’re faster at it. 

Along with all this crawling, you’ve learned how to go from a sitting position down to your tummy and from a crawling position to sitting.  When you are sitting and we reach down to pick you up, you now put your arms up in anticipation.  You haven’t started pulling up on the furniture but we assume you’re going to do that soon so we’ve lowered your crib mattress all the way down to the bottom.  We don’t want you to try to climb out and hurt yourself.  It’s definitely more of a struggle to get you in and out of the crib now.  You are HEAVY.  We can’t wait until your upcoming doctor’s appointment to see how much you weigh.

You seem to like all your baby food except peaches and anything with texture.  Textured foods make you gag and throw up!  You’ve just now started to think it’s fun to throw things down on the floor from your high chair.  We’re constantly picking up the spoons we give you to practice holding them.

This month you’ve started babbling “da”, “de”, and “duh” a lot.  Last month was all about “wuh” so you’re adding to your repertoire.  You think it’s pretty funny when Mommy makes a noisy gulping sound or when she hides and scares you.  You seem to be really whiney sometimes.  We think it may be teething related but we’re not sure.  There are times when you are only happy if you’re being carried around the house but sweetie, you are just too heavy to do that for any length of time.  You are starting to complain when we put you on the changing table but we can usually give you a toy or the Aquaphor bottle and you’re happy again.

Taking pictures of you this month was more of a challenge because you kept trying to crawl away!  Mommy and Daddy were tired when we were done, but Daddy got some good ones of you.  You’re so handsome!!

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