Wednesday, March 6, 2013

March 6th – 18 month checkup!

We went for Landen’s 18 month checkup with Barbara on 3/6.  It was largely uneventful and everything looks good!  We won’t go back for another well-child visit until he’s 2!  Here’s a rundown for this visit:
  • Weight: 28 lb 1 oz (77th percentile)
  • Height: 35 in (98th percentile)
  • Weight to height ratio: 48th percentile
  • Head circumference: not measured
  • Height: The nurse and Barbara both agree, Landen is a big boy!!
  • Bottle: We told Barbara that he still refuses to drink milk from a straw cup even though he'll drink everything else that way.  She said it's very common and not to worry about it too much.  He'll get there.
  • Speech therapy: She was very pleased that we got his speech therapy set up and we now attend on a regular schedule. He's already improved to a 14 or 15 month level (from 8 or 9 months when he was tested).  He knows about 8-10 words that he uses unassisted consistently (he should know closer to 20 and starting to use 2-word combos).  She said even if he would have eventually caught up on his own, it's great that we're being proactive about it.  You just never know what will self-resolve and what will grow into a larger issue.
  • Sick: We told Barbara about Landen being sick for a couple of weeks.  She checked his ears and said everything looks good now.  After describing his symptoms she said it sounded like to same stuff that had been going around.
  • Vaccinations: Landen was a lucky-duck this time because he didn't get any shots!!! There was still a little bit of crying due to stranger anxiety but he did pretty darned well.
That's it!  It was really pretty quick.  We didn't have any concerns to talk about this time so we just chatted with Barbara a bit and we were on our way.  Keep your fingers crossed that Landen doesn't have any reason to go back until September!

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