Thursday, August 2, 2012

August 2nd: 11 months old!!

Dear Landen,

Can you believe you’re just one month away from being a one-month-old!??! This is your last month of being a baby. Mommy’s not ready for you to be a toddler yet! However, this past month has been great and you’ve started doing some very fun things so we’re excited to see what the next month brings.

You celebrated your first 4th of July last month and didn’t hardly flinch during the fireworks. Your separation anxiety is through the roof right now, especially at bedtime. We have to make sure you’re all the way asleep before we put you in your crib or you’ll wake right up and cry.  You just cry and cry and cry.  It seems to be worse when you’re tired, hungry, or in teething pain.  Some days you will cry if we’re walking around the house and not right next to you.  When Mommy takes you into the bathroom with her for her shower she has to crack open the shower door so you can poke your head in and see her. All of this is completely normal but we don’t like to see you get upset.

You love to grab our hands and clap them for us. Mimi really worked with you and you finally started clapping on your own in the middle of the month. We were so excited and it is so dang cute!  You’re just now learning how to high-five.  You think it’s pretty funny because we cheer when you do it.  You love to pound on our keyboards – especially Mommy’s. We got you one of your own so hers doesn’t get destroyed.  You also like to play with the newspaper but you managed to get two paper cuts on your cheek the other day so now you look like an Indian brave.  Much to our chagrin, one of your favorite things to do is to pull the towels down in the kitchen. Those things are always on the floor!  You often smile or laugh after you sneeze because you like it when we say “bless you”.

You love to sit at the threshold of the front door and touch the welcome mat. We can tell you’re thinking about going out onto the porch but you haven’t yet. You also like to pull yourself up at the front door and play with the doorknob. You even take our keys sometimes and hold them up to the knob like you’ve seen us do.  I’ve caught you standing on your own a few times but as soon as you realize you’re doing it, you grab something for support or go down to the floor.  Your balance is getting better and better.

You took your first road trip to San Luis Obispo last month.  The drive did not go well.  At all.  You got yourself worked up and threw up all over when we were 30 minutes from the hotel.  There wasn’t anywhere to stop so we just pushed through.  Mommy did not have a fun time cleaning up that mess!!  You did better on the way home but you still cried.  Daddy and Mommy have decided that we’re not driving any further than 2 hours for awhile.  Luckily you were pretty great while we were on vacation, it was just traveling there and back that was disastrous.

Eating this past month has had its highs and lows. You like the flavors of yogurt you’ve had at snacktime and applesauce was a hit.  You’re a pro at eating yogurt melts, puffs, and mum-mums!  You even fed yourself a mum-mum.  Mommy was so happy she almost cried!  Sometimes you’re as hungry as a bear and other times you absolutely refuse to eat.  We think it related to teething and how sore your gums are. You still will not eat chunky purees and table foods are a challenge.  You did eat small bits of banana, cheese, chicken, watermelon, and cantaloupe so you’ve made some progress.  You ate your first baby cookie and it was instant love!  You fed it to yourself by breaking off little pieces with your teeth.  You still refuse to drink from a sippy cup so we’re working on drinking from a straw.  You’re not overly fond of it but we’ll keep working on it.

Daddy and Mommy are looking forward to enjoying your last month before you officially become a toddler.  Since time refuses to slow down we’re just going to embrace it and relish every minute we get to spend with you. We love you so much Bubba!

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