Landen had his 15 month well-child
visit on 12/5. Barbara said he's doing pretty well. Very
healthy. We were referred from some additional testing but he won't go
back for his next doctor's visit until he's 18 months.
- Weight: 27 lb (81st percentile)
- Height: 33.25 cm (95th percentile)
- Weight to height ratio: 69th percentile
- Head circumference: did not measure
- Table foods: We were all set to get Landen tested for his oral aversions when he seemed to turn a corner and took to eating table foods with little issue. We cancelled the testing and this is no longer a major concern.
- Drinking: It's great that Landen is drinking water out of a straw cup now. We need to work on getting him to drink milk from a cup as well. There's no real rush though. Our concern is that he doesn't drink the volume necessary when drinking from a straw cup so he won't get his daily allowance of milk. We'll work on it.
- Vaccinations: I already took Landen in for his flu shot so he got 3 needles at his appointment: DTaP (tetanus/whooping cough), HIB (meningitis), and Prevnar (pneumonia). As you can imagine, he was not a happy camper but recovered quickly.
- Speech/Language: After asking whether or not Landen is understanding us when we talk to him (no) and how many words he says (2 consistently - he should have 3 at the very least by this age), Barbara suggested that we take Landen for a developmental assessment just to make sure everything checked out ok. With his delay in starting table foods and now a suspected delay in language, we decided that this was a good idea just to see what they said. They would either say he was perfect and that would be it, or they would identify an area of concern and help us get him caught up. I called for the testing that same day and was able to get it scheduled for almost a week later.
Waiting for
the doctor to come in for his checkup
Daddy! Like this!
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