Monday, April 2, 2012

April 2nd: Seven Months Old!!

Dear Landen,

You were born 7 months ago!  This past month has definitely been one full of firsts.  You caught your first cold and it lasted a little over two weeks!!  It didn’t seem to bother you too much other than when you were waking up in the middle of the night because you couldn’t breathe with all the congestion.  The humidifier sure got a workout!!  You coughed some in the beginning mostly from post-nasal drip but towards the end you developed a pretty good cough.  We eventually took you to the doctor since you’d been sick so long and your cough sounded horrible.  The doctor said it was all breaking up and you’d be better soon.  She was right!  Within a day or two you were back to normal.  We survived!  How about we don’t get sick again for awhile??

One perk of taking you to the doctor was getting to check your weight!  You weighed 20 pounds!!!  No wonder you’re getting too heavy to cart around!  We’ve started avoiding having to lift you in the baby carrier because it’s just too heavy.  We finished up the last of the stage 1 foods and started stage 2.  You sure love peas!  You must have gotten that from Daddy.  You’re loving most of the stage 2 foods and all the variety that come with it.  We aren’t having to mix the purees in with your cereal so much anymore.  You’ve been refusing your bottle again - lots of crying and batting it away.  We can’t figure out a pattern so we’re thinking maybe there is some teething going on.

Unfortunately you’ve started getting fussier and fussier.  Especially in the afternoons when you’re tired.  You now pump your legs and kick when you’re really excited about something.  You aren’t too interested in bath toys yet but you like to hit your foot against the end of the tub and make the water splash.  We turned you around so you are sitting in the toddler position rather than the infant position.  This means you’re sitting up straight and in a good position to splash with your hands.

Just recently you’ve started sitting up unassisted for longer periods.  You don’t know how to sit up on your own or how to lay back down though so you get stuck there.  You’ve finally remembered how to roll in BOTH directions and now you’re really moving around on the floor a lot.  You also put your head down while you’re on your tummy and use your legs to push forward.  It won’t be long before we’re going to have to get out the baby gates!!

Just like always, you make our lives so much more special and we love spending time with you.  We can’t wait to see what the next month with bring.  We love you!!

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