Saturday, April 28, 2012

April 28th: March For Babies –AND- Relay For Life

We had one jam packed Saturday on April 28th!  We signed up to do the March For Babies in the morning, and the Relay For Life that evening.

When we heard about the March For Babies we knew we wanted to participate to help raise funds for the March of Dimes.  The MOD volunteer at the hospital when Landen was in the NICU was so kind and caring towards us.  It was just what we needed when we were scared.  After Landen came home I realized that the surfactant treatment he received to help his lungs was discovered by research funded by the MOD.  We feel that it is a great organization that does so much to help prevent prematurity and provide support to parents of preemies.  It was a no-brainer that we wanted to contribute!  I created “Team Landen”, set up a website, and then let our friends and family know so they could be a part of it.  We fundraised, bought t-shirts, and made team pins.  Finally the big day arrived and we were ready!

Landen got up bright and early and got dressed in his gear.

The team congregated while my Mom and I got us checked in

We headed over to the family teams tent to hang out and to find Landen’s sign.  They asked me to write up a summary of Landen’s preemie obstacles to be displayed for others to read throughout the day.

Hanging out waiting for the walk to start.

Group photo!


It’s finally time to start!!


Taking some time to rest (and cool off) before heading home

Hanging out and playing with Sophie the Giraffe before the next event

Hanging out at the Moog booth at the Torrance Relay For Life

There were some interesting characters in charge!

We had a really good day but we were exhausted after all that walking.  It had been hot at the March For Babies so it really took a lot out of us.  We’re glad we were able to do both though and support such worthy causes.

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