Wednesday, January 2, 2013

January 2nd – 16 months old!

Dear Landen,

This past month was a big one for you.  Christmas, doctor’s appointments, new words, new skills … something exciting going on every day it seems! 

You wave bye-bye now but you cup your fingers in towards your palms.  It’s adorable.  When it’s time to put your jacket on you will now hold your arms out for us.  You love to play with little colored pom-pom balls and will a little help you can twist off a loosely fitted lid on a jar.  Every box on the floor immediately becomes a personal chair for you.  You have done well when we have had fires in our gel fireplace.  You like to look at the flames but don’t try to touch anything.

Last month you said your first word (Nala = “nah-nah”) and this month you’ve added a few more to your repertoire.  You like to say “oooooohhhhhhhh” with intonation going up and down. And also say “wowooooow”.  You say uh-oh in context - even when you purposely drop something.  One thing that has had us a little perplexed is your current practice of saying “boo-uh?” all the time and pointing.  (Pronounced like ‘book’ without the ‘k’, and ‘uh’ at the end) You seem to be doing it for any kind of light but then you throw it in there randomly too.  We’ll figure it out eventually!

You had a very bountiful Christmas this year!  Santa brought you your very own kitchen and other goodies.  You loved seeing all the lights, trees, and decorations.  However, Santa Claus himself was NOT your favorite.  In fact, each time you got close to him you burst into tears.  Oh well, maybe next year!

At your doctor’s checkup this past month you weighed 27 pounds and are 33 ¼ inches tall!  We talked to the doctor about our concern that you aren’t talking much.  She decided to have you tested to see if you are just doing things at your own pace or if there is something else going on.  Mommy took you for a developmental evaluation.  You loved it!  You got to play with toys and show off all the things you can do.  When we got the results back we learned that you have some definite delays in language so we’re going to get you signed up for speech therapy to help you along.  The testing confirmed to us how smart you are and how advanced your motor skills are – you tested ahead of your age level!  Smart boy!!

What will the next month bring??  We don’t know but we can’t wait to find out! 

Love you Bubba!!

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