Friday, September 28, 2012

September 28th: Croup

On Wednesday Landen woke up sick.  He was wheezing a little and definitely congested, but he seemed ok.  I assumed it was just a cold and we’d ride it out.  Then nighttime came around.  He was coughing really badly.  He’d get to the point where he was so choked up he couldn’t really breathe.  Several times over the next two nights he got so choked up he threw up – twice all over me!  During the day his voice was scratchy and he was really congested but he didn’t cough much.  He never really had much of a fever.  About half way through the day on Friday, I called my mom for an update and decided he needed to see the doctor before we headed into the weekend.  I was suspecting croup but I just didn’t know for sure.  The doctor was able to get us in that afternoon so we headed over.

After explaining his symptoms and listening to his chest, Landen was diagnosed with a classic case of croup.  We were told to elevate the end of his mattress, use a warm mist humidifier, and to start him on a steroid medication.  We only had a cool mist humidifier at home so I picked up a warm mist model and his prescription that afternoon.  He got his first dose of steroids at dinnertime and they worked like a charm!!  He still coughed and sputtered some while he slept but he didn’t get choked or throw up.  The difference between having the meds and not having them was HUGE.  Over the next few days he started getting better.  He was still sick and congested but not too bad.  The steroids only lasted 3 nights but it was enough to get him over the hump and allow his body to fight off the infection.  We survived the croup!!

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