Saturday, April 24, 2010

Alabama: Day 2 - Saturday, 4/24/10

  • High: Marshall Space Flight Center - So much fun to walk around and see all of the exhibits.  Especially the Quick monoplane.  (Built by one of the family uncles.  Nana remembered climbing on it like playground equipment in a barn.)
 The Quick Monoplane

Rocket. Cool!
Push Dad! Push!

"Just give me a minute here and I'll have this figured out."

Check it out!!  Moog parts!  Good job Space and Defense group.

 Front view of the Moog parts, with 2 Moogers in the background.

  • High: Taylor's rain "bubble" for her stroller.  So cute.
  • High: Relaxation time in the afternoon.
  • Low: Dire tornado warnings on the tv.  Several emergency broadcasts for heavy rain, hail, flash floods, and a tornado.
  • High: Huge rainbow after a period of heavy rain.  (The rain started and stopped so quickly!  The clouds were moving fast.)

  • High: Dinner at Scott and Mary Carol's house.  We always have a great time with them and the food was so good!
  • High: Getting through the day with no tornados!!

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