Saturday, April 3, 2010

April 3, 2010 - Going Away/Birthday Party

One of John's cousins and his wife recently moved to the Philippines to start a business and gain some first-hand knowledge of how it all works.  Depending on how things go, they hope to move back to the US in a few years and start something here.  John's uncle lives there and runs a clothing business so it's really a great opportunity for them.  We decided to throw a little going-away gathering for them so some of the cousins could get together and say goodbye.  It just so happened that one of John's other cousins was celebrating a birthday so we combined the two and had a great time!  We wish EJ and Lupe all the luck in the world and can't wait to hear about their adventures.  And once again, Happy Birthday Jared!!

EJ and Jared
 Lupe and her Mom
Ryan and Lauren
Kristie and Kirah
Birthday cake!
Riley playing with Nala

Jam session in the garage

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