Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pregnancy Journey - Part 4

Continued from previous post.  Please go to the links below to read Part 1, Part 2, and/or Part 3 of the story.

**Part 1**
**Part 2**
**Part 3**

Ricidulously quick recap: Trying for a long time to get pregnant, got pregnant finally when not expecting it, no-one knew we were trying or that I was pregnant, pregnancy ended in miscarriage, got pregnant again and everything is looking great.

I am currently 18 weeks pregnant and I'm noticably showing.  Sometimes you can see it more than others, it just depends on what I'm wearing that day.  I'm definitely in the maternity pants stage!  We had a doctor's appointment 2 weeks ago and found out we're definitely having a boy!!

Neither John nor I had a preferance on gender so we were both really happy.  It's nice to know to help out with planning and getting ready.  We're just starting to work on names.  Boy's names are hard!!  We don't like a lot of the ones we've found so far so we're going to have to keep researching.  I hate to break the news to you, but we're going to keep the name to ourselves until he's born.  The last thing we want is people critiquing our choice or trying to change our minds.  Plus, it will leave a little surprise for his birthday.

I have been feeling really well so far.  No morning sickness!!  Woohoo!!!!  The most annoying symptom I've had is an increase in my allergy issues.  I'm congested and draining all the time, even on my allergy meds.  (Before anyone freaks out about me taking my allergy meds, given my issues in the past my doctor told me to keep taking them.  She's absolutely not concerned about it at all, so neither am I.)  In the past week or two I've had a definite flair up of heartburn.  Nothing horrific but it's been bothering me just about every day.  Fun!  I love it when it flairs up from drinking water.  Water!!  Ugh!!  Usually sucking on a piece of hard candy or chewing gum helps.  I've gained some weight but I'm right where I need to be.  Apparently week 18 often begins a period of increased appetite.  Look out food, here I come!!

We go back in to the doctor on May 17th for our anatomy scan.  That's just a really detailed ultrasound to check all of his organs, take a bunch of measurements, etc.  It's standard practice so that we can catch anything that might be an issue as early as possible.  Some issues can be reversed in the womb, some may require surgery after he's born, but it's better to know up front so we can prepare a course of action.  We're bound to get some good pictures so we'll be sure to share!!

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