Continued from previous post. Please go to the links below to read Part 1 and/or Part 2 of the story.
**Part 1**
**Part 2**
Ricidulously quick recap: Trying for a long time to get pregnant, got pregnant finally when not expecting it, no-one knew we were trying or that I was pregnant, pregnancy ended in miscarriage.
It was kinda weird but after the miscarriage my cycles finally evened out and started coming pretty darn regularly. We were both really happy about that. Right before Christmas was the start of a cycle and we decided we were ready to give it another shot. We also decided to use some ovulation predictor tests to improve our chances. One day in January we got the "go" signal and it seemed to do the trick because I found out I was pregnant on January 23rd. (The line's faint, but a line is a line!)
We were of course really happy, but much more cautious this time. We didn't want to get our hopes up in the event things didn't work out. The doctor had said that the miscarriage we had was probably just a bad mix of chromosomes and my body knew something wasn't right. It apparently happens a lot. The rate of miscarriages is somewhere between 25-30%! Armed with this information the second time around, we were happy things seemed to be going in the right direction, but we were going to just wait and see what happened.
Again, the wait until the first appointment was agonizing. It didn't help that the week before my appointment I developed a humdinger of a sinus infection. It was so awful. Horrific headaches were the worst of it. I finally ended up going to my PCP the day before my OB visit because I felt so terrible. He started me on antibiotics but in the end, I don't know if they really helped. When the time finally arrived for my OB appointment I was excited to find out of things were looking ok, but still feeling really crappy. We went through the same steps as the first time (answer questions, ask questions, ultrasound), however this visit ended on a high note! The ultrasound looked great! The little heart was beating just as it should be and everything was on track. The relief was indescribable. We were so happy! The doctor said my estimated due date was October 6th. She printed out a couple of pictures for us and then send me up to the vampire (lab) for the first of many blood tests.
John and I had decided that if things looked good this time, we would break the news to our immediate family. I wanted to tell someone right then and there so we headed to my parent's house to tell my Mom. She was of course delighted!! We then went to John's parent's house to see if his Dad was home, but he wasn't so we went to work. I didn't want to tell my Dad or brother while we were at work so we kept quiet. After work we went back to John's parent's house to break the news to both of them. They were so excited!! Later than night my parents stopped by our house so we were able to tell my Dad. Informing Bobby and Renee took a few days, but they were really happy for us.
We waited another month to get to the end of the first trimester before breaking the news to the world. We were still feeling a tiny bit anxious about things going ok so we wanted to wait a little longer before "going public". The night before I hit 12 weeks we made calls to our close family members to let them know. It was a very fun night with lots of happiness (and screams of excitement). The next morning when we got up at the crack of dawn to get ready for work, we posted our announcement on Facebook and then whole world knew! As exciting as it was to let everyone in on our secret, it was also kinda scary. What if something happened the next day??? We'd have to tell the whole world. :( Luckily, that hasn't been an issue. Our little one is looking perfect and we couldn't be more thrilled!!
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