Sunday, January 23, 2011

Pregnancy Journey - Part 1

Posted on Facebook 3/24/11

It's been over a month since our big secret has been revealed and now I'm ready to write about our journey.  It hasn't been an easy one, but that makes us that much more excited to be where we are now.

We started "trying" right after the wedding (Nov. '09).  We didn't want to waste any time in having a baby!  I had been on the pill for many many years so we knew that it might take awhile for my body to get back into the swing of things.  Unfortunately my body was really unhappy about having to think about ovulation and cycles on its own.  Everything was really erratic, which made timing things right really difficult.  My cycles ranged from 43 days to 74 days long.  They definitely weren't coming monthly!  At my regular gynecological visit in July (8 months later) I talked to my doctor about it and she just said that it's really common, don't worry about it, things will get better, and if I get through 12 cycles with no luck I should go back to see her.  She was saying things that should have been really reassuring, but I was discouraged.  I wanted her to make it better!!  John and I decided to wait until my next cycle started and then use an ovulation predictor kit to better our chances of success.

Then, lo and behold, a couple of weeks later I noticed I was feeling a little odd and for some reason decided to take a pregnancy test.  I couldn't believe it when it came back positive!!  John and I had given up hope for that cycle and there I was pregnant!  We were ecstatic!!

All along we had decided to not tell anyone about our plans so we didn't share our news with anyone.  Trying to get pregnant was already stressful enough with just the two of us going through it all, we couldn't imagine having to deal with people asking about it all the time.  I eventually let my best friend in on what we were doing because I needed someone besides John to share the ups and downs with.  People would good-naturedly ask us about when we were having kids or talk about babies.  They obviously had no idea what what going on and didn't mean to hurt us, but it was literally like getting punched in the stomach every time.  Every comment was a reminder of each of our "failures" along the way.  It sucked.  And because of that, I've resolved to NEVER ask anyone about kids in the future.  I refuse to bring it up.  I would absolutely hate to unknowingly make someone feel the way we did when we kept getting questions and comments about the one thing we so desperately wanted.  Especially given what happened to us next ...

To be continued shortly ... I want to break this up into a couple of posts so it's not one big monster!!

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